Now that we have 50% of the content of an essay, we should focus on the body. This part is extremely important because it explains, discusses, or provides evidence to support the thesis statement. Based on the example given in the last two posts, the body in that scenario would be:
Usually, when people think of the
word "disability", they immediately picture someone in a wheelchair.
But there are many different types of disability. According to the World Health Organization, a
disability is "any restriction or lack (resulting from any impairment) of
ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered
normal for a human being". However, there is no single definition of the
word “disability”. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in the United State
defines it as 'a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and
long-term impact on the ability of a person to carry out normal day to day
activities.That includes learning and when people present difficulties, they
require special educational provision to be made for them. The types of difficulties are:cognition
and learning; social, emotional and behavioral; communication and interaction;
and sensory and physical.
Generally, impairments which cause or
contribute to learning disability can happen before (pre-natal like Down
Syndrome), during (peri-natal like cerebral palsy) or after birth (post natal
like meningitis). The knowledge of these causes is important because they
determine the support students might need. Within the spectrum of difficulties
associated with cognition and learning there are: Specific learning
difficulties (SpLD) such as short-term memory, coordination and organization, Dyslexia
which is difficulty with words, Dyscalculia that is the difficulty in
understanding simple number concepts and learning number facts and procedures,
and Dyspraxia that is associated with the difficulty in handwriting, drawing,
throwing and catching. They may have problems with following sequential events
and instructions. In addition to specific learning difficulties exist a series
of other problems less commonly known such as moderate learning difficulties
that is problems with speech and language, low levels of concentration and
under-developed social skills. Children whose Intelligence Quotient (IQ) fall
below 70 are deemed as having moderate learning difficulties. Furthermore in
the spectrum of cognition and learning difficulties exist severe learning
difficulties which are people who need support in all areas of the curriculum
and often in areas of self-care and social skills as well. These are children
whose IQ falls below 55. Finally to end the classification of cognition and
learning difficulties exist the profound and multiple learning difficulties
which complex learning needs, profound sensory loss and challenging behavior. Children
with multiple and profound learning difficulties need support that may include
medical and therapy staff. They require a curriculum that is broken down into
very small steps: they are usually taught in a specialist setting, increasingly
with opportunities for part-time inclusion in mainstream schools. On the other
hand, cognition and learning Difficulties are also compound of social, emotional and behavioral difficulties which may become
apparent in the following ways: age inappropriate behavior or that which seems
otherwise socially inappropriate or strange, behavior that interferes with the
learning of the pupil or their peers (persistent calling out in class, refusal
to work, persistent annoyance of peers), signs of emotional turbulence (unusual
tearfulness, withdrawal from social situations) and Difficulties in forming and
maintaining positive relationships (isolation from peers, aggressiveness to
peers and adults). In addition to the types of difficulties in education
describe exist 2 more: Communication and interaction difficulties, and sensory
and physical difficulties. The communication and interaction difficulties are
considered to generate a great impact affecting learning, socialization and
emotional development; thus presenting literacy difficulties. Communication and
interaction difficulties include a large range of impairments that frequently
overlap. These include: developmental language delay, developmental language
disorder, phonological/Speech difficulty, receptive language difficulty and expressive
language difficulty. Developmental language delay which affects comprehension,
expression, interaction with a slowprogress. Developmental language disorder is
when the development in one or more aspects of language (comprehension,
expression, interaction) will show an uneven or unusual pattern. Phonological/speech difficulties in which
child’s ability to produce intelligible speech and will include those with
specific difficulties, including verbal dyspraxia and dysarthria. Receptive
language difficulty when a children may have particular difficulty attaching
meaning to words and developing concepts or have difficulties understanding
complex grammar or implied meaning. Expressive language difficulty when a
children may have difficulty accessing vocabulary, using complex grammar,
organizing ideas, structuring sentences and conveying intended meaning. The
last types of difficulties in education to be classified are the sensory and physical difficulties which
subdivide in visual Impairment, hearing Impairment, multi-sensory Impairment
and physical Disabilities. Visual Impairment (VI) are difficulties from
partial sight through to blindness. For educational purposes, a pupil is
considered to be VI if they require adaptations to their environment or
specific differentiation of learning materials in order to access the
curriculum.Hearing Impairment (HI) is a range from those with a mild hearing
loss to those who are profoundly deaf.For educational purposes, pupils are
regarded as having a hearing impairment if they require hearing aids,
adaptations to their environment and/or particular teaching strategies in order
to access the concepts and language of the curriculum. Multi-Sensory Impairment
(MSI) is a combination of visual and hearing difficulties. They are sometimes
referred to as deaf blind but may have some residual sight and/or hearing. Many
also have additional disabilities but their complex needs mean that it may be
difficult to ascertain their intellectual abilities.Physical Disability (PD) is
whensome pupils are able to access the curriculum and learn effectively without
additional educational provision. They have a disability but do not have a
special educational need. For others, the impact on their education may be
Considering the mentioned
difficulties and when any of them is presented, special education is needed for
specially designing instruction, support, and services that can provide
students individual instructional programs to meet their unique learning needs.
This becomes the path to enable students to successfully develop to their
fullest potential.According to the Ministry of Education, the special and
inclusive education, as they call it, is a process that has as a requisite a
citizenship that embraces the individual differences, the multiple group
identities, and a unifying political community. This inclusion works on 4
dimensions:Personal dimension todevelop civic ethics characterized by
responsible habits, Social dimension to developthe capacity of living and
working together, Special dimension to develop the capacity of perceiving
oneself as member of a diverse, regional, national and, local community. Temporary
dimension to develop the ability to place today's challenges in the context of
past and future in order to achieve long-term solutions.This is how inclusion
involves the creation of a pedagogic environment in which the school, teachers,
administrative personnel, curriculum, assessment, students, and parents are responsible
for the success in the educative process.Ecuador has 342.094 people with some limitation and recognized by the Consejo
Nacional de Discapacidades (Conadis). However, the Misión Manuela Espejo that
travelled through Ecuador in 2009,registered 293.743 people with some kind of physical,
mental, intellectual, or sensorial deficiency.In September 25th,
2012 a new law that replaced the one of 1992 was entered at the Registro Oficial.
It basically gives these people the chance to voluntarily contribute to social
insurance at IESS (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social), less years to retire,
decreased number of inputs to ask for amortgage, and establishes the
prohibition of private medical insurance companies to exclude them.In Ecuador there are 163
institutions for special education that take in 10.035 students with
disabilities. Additionally, according to the Ministry of Education, 10.740 kids
have been inserted in 4.690 schools classified as regular; and 1.794 have been registered
in 655 centers for learning skills. Since May 2007, there have been many improvementsin
this population segment,not only on education, but also in economical support.
There is the Joaquín Gallegos Lara bond of USD 240 monthly that 15.123 people
with at least 65% of disability receive.In addition, the reform of the Código Laboral
has contributed to the insertion of more people with disabilities at public and
private companies, where at least 4% of the personnel must have a disability. (Figure
1, 2,3)
According to Muriel Salville-Troike in the book
“Introduction to Second Language Acquisition”, second language acquisition or
also known as SLA is a term that refers both to the process of learning that
language and when individuals or groups learn another language subsequent to
their first language. Knowing a second language is compound by competence and
performance of the language. Competence is referring to the knowledge of the
language such as grammar and vocabulary. Performanceis referring to the actual
production of the language moreover the proficiency using the language, minimum
details such as accents and pronunciations of the language are still in debate
because of subjectiveness involve. On the other hand learning and second
language is not only a process that occurs in a classroom context, according to
Stephen D. Krashen it can be classified in formal and informal learning. Formal
learning refers to the type of learning that occurs in schools, language centers
or with tutors and Informal learning refers to the social environment in which
the student learn the language. Many authors discussed the several theories
that exist about the process of SLA and the effects of the motivations,
environment and age of the learners but there is no specific studies about
these process applied in special education. Moreover we can say that SLA is a
process not only compound by several factors and that will vary depending of
the learners background, age and education, on the other hand, it is accurate
to infer that the definition of SLA not only applies to English but also to any
other language learn after the first one.
Regarding the people that speak English, the website
exploredia registered that in 2012 there were 914,398,325 speakers in the
world, moreover these population increase annually and English is the SLA most
spoken in the world. There is no official data about the amount of Ecuadorians
who speaks English or how many people is bilingual in Ecuador, but it is clear
that English is the target language that Ecuadorians wants to learn not only by
the increasingly amount of English centers created daily. In addition, in 2009
the Ecuadorian Education’ Minister applied The English Language Learning
Standards (ELLS) in the curriculum and requirement of language teaching and
learning. The Ecuadorian in-Service English Teacher Standards document is
created from a document developed by the Teachers of English to Speakers of
OtherLanguages (TESOL) as the organization’s K-12 ESL Teacher Standards. These
documentedare used around the world in not only Spanish speaking countries but
also in English, Arabic and French speaking countries. These TESOL is use widely
around the world as a document of reference to develop a curriculum in SLA of
English based on 5 language domains. According to the ELLS which is based on
the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages the proficiency levels
are divided in benchmarks and Ecuadorians students should learn and acquire the
language in the following order: Level A1 at the end of 9th year or also called
Educación Básica GeneraI, Level A2 At the end of 1st year of Bachillerato,
Level B1 at the end of 3rd year Bachillerato. In addition, the new curriculum focuses
in acquiring 4 basic skills: listening, reading, speaking andwriting instead of
the all curriculum which was based on the lesson content use in the books of
each institution. In Ecuador the official language is Spanish and almost all of
the schools which are bilingual teach Spanish and English. In the past, in order to gain knowledge in
two languages in Ecuador, schools must have a Bilingual Programs and there were
different types of programs that varied from school to school, now days Ecuador
is trying to acquire a second language through the new regulations imposed in
2009. (Table1,2,3,4,5)
though it takes time to learn a language, it is necessary to recognize that
some students do have disabilities that may make them eligible for special
education.However, it is not easy to find special curriculums designed for
them. Among the ones that offer
specially designed programs there isCAPELL (Connecticut Administrators of
Programs for English Language Learners). This initiative is committed to ensure
a free and appropriate public education for all students, including those who have
special learning needs or disabilities so that the process and developmental
stages of second language acquisition can be easier to handle. Another option
is the use of multidisciplinary teams that areincreasingly working with
educators because studentsthat learn a second languageand those with learning
disabilitiesoften show similar difficulties withlearning, attention, social
skills, andbehavioral and emotional balance. This team should at least include
parents, general educators, special educators, and an ESL educator in order to
assess whether the weaknesses evidenced by the student are attributable to
inadequate instruction, limited language proficiency, or to a learning
disability.The Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) is an example. As an international
organization of professionals, it represents diverse disciplines for enhancing
the education and quality of life for individuals with learning disabilities
and others who experience challenges in learning.
Guayaquil has several institutions declared as inclusive. For example, Liceo
Los Andes and Unidad Educativa CREAR are private, while the Centro Fiscal de
Educación Regular Inclusiva Anne Sullivan is public. In the first two, second
language acquisition of English is practiced with everybody, while in the last
one, 800 students with and without disabilities are received. The example that
these institutions establish in the city is definitely a big step towards a
better future for special education and how the community (school, parents,
kids, and professionals) can contribute to the formation of this people that
have fought so many years to be heard in society.
As you can see, the body is the largest piece of an essay and contains a lot of information based on facts, statistics, and quotations that help as a support for the things that are communicated. Now let's try to write the body of your own work. Share your results in the comments.