Sunday, January 12, 2014

Writing - Thesis Statement

Creating a thesis statement is not easy, but it contributes in two principal goals every work has: 
  • For the readers: a proper identification of the main idea
  • For the writer: an organization of the written work 

The following detailed checklist will help you in the brainstorming of establishing your thesis statement:
  • Chronology: think in the relevant data you have already gathered so you can identify an order of events or patterns. 
  • Procedure: is there any information about an existent scheme on your topic?
  • Cause: what is the person, place, or thing that is causing your topic to exist? 
  • Effect: how is your topic affecting others?
  • Problem: what is happening with your topic that it became an issue? 
  • Solution: what can be done to solve the problem your topic is causing? 
  • Comparison: are there any statistics or evidences of other cases in another place?
  • Contrast: how does those cases differ? 
  • Similarity: how does those cases resemble? 
  • Advantages: pros
  • Disadvantages: cons
  • Analysis: considering the above elements, how is your topic interesting to your audience?


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