conclusion is as important as the introduction because it represents the last memory the reader will have of your work, therefore, becomes your signature and the establishment of the reasons why the topic you chose is worth to be read and mainly, the inspiration that could lead the audience to do something about it. Following the example we have been working with, the conclusion goes like this:
sum up, there are several learning disabilities describe by professionals many
of them are group in physical or mental disabilities and others in the I.Q.
scores. Moreover, the classification is not enough but the impact these
disabilities have in the learning process is what really concerns educators.
Equity of access to education is one of the main purposes of the human rights
declaration and in several others legislations. Ecuador has focus the new
legislation in creating better places of learning a second language inside
their public and private education institutions but the learning disability
population have being greatly ignore in the curriculum. In Guayaquil only 3
institutions are inclusive regarding equity to education but there is no
specific information about the equity of access to second language acquisition
education. That is why the importance of
creating a curriculum for special education professionals teaching SLA in
Guayaquil has being neglected and needs to be considered in futures
legislations. To conclude, SLA a process that have no difference in
students with standards abilities than in students with
learning disabilities according to Prof. Wilson Torres, NYU graduate in Special
Education. He emphasizes that the process in the same but the time that takes
each student will vary. Moreover, he indicates that comprehensible input is far
more essential than the curriculum content. He considers than an appropriate
context is crucial and that a critical concept for second-language development
for students with and without learning difficulties is comprehensible input.
Torres indicates that the expertise of educators in different disciplines can
help establish changes in the curriculum,develop appropriate strategies to help
the ELL student, and monitor student progress, not only for special education
learners but also for standard students.
Now try it out with your text!
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