Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Punctuation - Question Marks

Continuing with our punctuation tips, today we will talk about question marks.

Question Marks

It is necessary to use a question mark ? after a direct question.


Will you marry me?

Or when a sentence is half statement and half question.


You do care, do you?

Simple as that! Here are some exercises for you to practice:

  1. Where is my car
  2. Do you love me
  3. When did you travel
  4. How did you meet her
  5. Was that it

In addition, please work on a small editorial of minimum 300 words in which question marks are used 3 times minimum. The topic will be related to current Ecuadorian issues. When you arrive to class, exchange your work with a partner and grade each other. The three best editorials will be presented in front of class and the winner gets to publish its text at the blog. Good luck!


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